Current Specials

If you're looking for our full package price list and package details, you can find all the info on our pricing page: Hunting Price List | Cost to Hunt at High Adventure Ranch


Current Specials: Hunts must take place between January and the end of April to take advantage of these discounted offers!

Reminder: All Special Hunt Packages include: 2 nights lodging, home-cooked meals, license, guide service, and FULL MEAT PROCESSING!


1) Cow Buffalo Package:

  • (1) Cow Buffalo
  • weighing between 600 to 1,000 lbs.
  • Special Package Price: $3,995


2) Asian Water Buffalo Package:

  • (1) Asian Water Buffalo
  • any size
  • Special Package Price: $2,995


These are all offered on a limited basis so give me a call ASAP if you want to check availability.